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It&#39;s important to note that the additional calories should come from nutrient dense foods, or foods high in nutritional value. Extra-lean ground beef; 2 cups pasta; 3⁄4 cup broccoli; 700 calories, 60 g protein, 83 g carbs, 13 g fat. Why? For muscle-building, there’s nothing like beef—it contains creatine, all the necessary aminos and a full spectrum of B vitamins, and it’s dense in iron to assist in energy production. When you hold extra water in your muscles, or anywhere for that matter, it helps clear junk, beintraining bodybuilding. We build up lots of junk in our muscles while exercising and the more efficient we can clear it the better our muscles can work. Creatine For Muscle Recovery: Recovery is important at two times. One, between sets and two, post-workout. Doch reicht dies aus? 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